We strive to help all West Chicago teens do their best as students. Life as a teen can be challenging, it’s a lot more than just playing games, reading, or doing volunteer work. Learn more about how we could help you with your academics below!
Leman Middle School – District 33
- Dual Language Program Books
District 33 has a dual language program, which extends into Leman Middle School’s 7th grade year. Here at West Chicago Public Library, we have a selection of Spanish-language books in our collection specifically chosen for students of the Leman Middle School Dual Language Program. As always, if you have a title you would like us to add, let us know by emailing ask@wcpld.info
Community High School – District 94
Your Wego High School’s learning resource center (school library) has many resources . Check out their reading page!
Note to Teachers
Assignment Alerts
If you are a teacher, let us be of assistance by supplementing library materials and guidance for assignments, to the best of our ability. Feel free to alert us by emailing ask@wcpld.info and library staff will provide information to specific questions and guidance in locating material.
We love sharing about everything our library can offer teens! Please contact us at ask@wcpld.info if you would like to have the YA librarian visit your class and give a presentation about teen services and upcoming teen programs at the West Chicago Public Library District.