It is the policy of the Board of Library Trustees of the West Chicago Public Library District to permit access to and copying of its public records in accordance with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (the “Act”) (5 ILCS 140/3.5), effective July 1, 1984, as amended, balanced,however, by the limited exceptions recognized in the Act to safeguard individual privacy and the efficient operation of the Library.
The Library Director is hereby authorized to serve as the Library’s Chief Freedom of Information Act Officer and directed to designate additional employees to serve as FOIA Officers.
Administrative Procedures
- Written requests may be submitted to the Library either by personal delivery, mail, fax, email, or other means available to the Library. The Library may honor oral requests for inspection or copying.
- The request should be made at the Library District’s Administrative Office at 118 West Washington Street, West Chicago, IL 60185
- All requests for inspection and copying received by the Library shall immediately be forwarded to its Freedom of Information officer.
- The first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal paper are free.
- After the first 50 pages, the library may charge $ .15 per page.
- Colored copies and copies sized other than legal or letter size will be charged at the actual cost of reproduction.
- Cost of electronic records will be charged at the actual cost of the recording medium, if necessary.
- Certified copies are $1.00 each
- Attachments to email are free of charge
- Fees may be waived or reduced if waiver is in the public interest.
Only the FOIA Officer, or his or her designee, may retrieve and/or copy records. The FOIA Officer of the Library shall notify the Board President by telephone of the request for records within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the request for records. The Board President shall provide guidance as requested by the designated employees of the Library.
The FOIA Officer must respond within five (5) business days after receipt of a request (twenty-one (21) days if the request is for a commercial purpose). An extension of five (5) days maybe permitted under certain circumstances.
A. Upon receiving a request for a public record, the Freedom of Information officer shall:
- Note the date the public body receives the written request;
- Compute the day on which the period for response will expire and make a notation of that date on the request;
- Maintain an electronic or paper copy of a request, including all documents submitted with the request until the request has been complied with or denied;and
- Create a file for the retention of the original request, a copy of the response, a record of communications with the requester, and a copy of other communications.
B. If a request is denied:
- Give a detailed factual basis and provide a citation to legal authority:
- Name the FOIA Officer responsible for the denial;
- Notify the requester that the requester has the right to appeal the denial to the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor or the courts;
- Provide the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor’s address and telephone number to the requester.