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Website Redesign Project

You may have noticed, this is a different website than we began 2024 with! Per our Strategic Plan, we worked very hard on this new product to hopefully make life easier for our patrons and increase our effectiveness. To learn more about our website redesign project, keep reading below.

In March of 2023, the Website Redesign Committee of the West Chicago Public Library District first met and began analyzing and auditing our current website to assess what work must be done, and to create a cohesive vision of what our new site should look like. During this process, representatives from each department of the library came together and studied every single page, link, and function on our website. We compared patron web-traffic data to figure out which of our pages were performing well, and which ones most needed improvement. The committee then began making decisions on which pages to keep, which pages to discontinue, and which pages could be converted into a different, more useful form. Once this was completed, the department representatives shared our findings with the rest of the staff, and collected feedback.

The committee, library leadership, and the Library Board of Trustees worked ardently to deliver a new library website to the people of West Chicago. The new website was pushed live during National Library week, 2024. We have high hopes that the next site will better help West Chicago Public Library District patrons to access our resources, see our programming opportunities, and to better promote community engagement in West Chicago at large. If you have suggestions about what type of content you would like on the library website, or you are unsure where to find certain resources, contact us by emailing, giving us a call at 1-(630)-231-1552, or by dropping by in person. See you at the library!